Saturday, 23 September 2017

Heh Elektron love rekindled!

Yes, laugh if you must because that didn't last long, did it?
Almost no time after I thought of putting my Elektrons on ice, I powered them up so the OT could capture some of the cool loops I was making with a review oscillator. I pondered the best way to keep them and decided the OT beat the RC-505 on this occasion, plus the RC end of the studio wasn't powered up ;)

And here's a thing: I was fired up by the prospect of conditional trigs for for the original OT. As this will apply to loops too, it offers all kinds of stuff I always wanted from the OT but could never get - i.e. now I will be able to have loops that are forever properly different, not static, just because various parts of them may or may not play.

It's all good!!

My curiosity about Comic Con has been satisfied - £8 entrance fee to walk around some stalls and optionally pay to get the autograph of various people who have been in various telly series, in supporting roles. The young Hodor was there, the babe with the little pants from Primeval, Blue Lady from Farscape and so on. Most animated and friendly was Kryten, Robert Llewellyn, and least recognisable was Carolyne Munro, of the Hi Karate adverts in the 70s. A friend paid Xander our of Buffy £30 for a scribble, a smile and a handshake. He wore a hat indoors to show he was someone (or balding). Best parts were the people who came in costume, and the funniest of these were those who wore the costume but totally failed to get into character. At least it leaves the afternoon free to crack on with that module review!

Margaret took Jasper to some dog show and together they won the golden oldies award, or something. At 15, Jasper was the oldest dog there. They are now waiting to the end to see if he also wins best in show.

Sorry no Comic Con photos. I took my camera but somehow didn't feel inspired.

I updated the website today but it's still shit. I probably need some kind of app to make better ones as my method of doing it long-style in html is flawed unless I can remember any html - or DCF Script, as I tend to think of it.

Did I post any gig pix?

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