Thursday, 28 February 2019

New week, February almost gone, ordered Minilogue XD

Yeah, decided 'what the hell'. I held off buying the Digitone and that turned out to be daft, so let's jump the gun on this one. Half tempted to sell or swap my OP-1. It's great but I'm not really using it and I think the Digitone fills the 'small but engrossing' brief pretty well. The whole idea of batteries and needing to do stuff on buses, planes and trains doesn't really apply to a guy who stays home as much as possible. May swap for a GR-1 if I can.

It's a beautiful Monday morning. I should go to the gym but maybe after another coffee and more basking and red pen action.

Ladybirds on balls. Just saying. 

Tuesday. Spawn (maybe 7-8 chunks) and got to end of second proof of novel. Will write changes in next few days. Like summer today. I actually look forward to going into the Light Studio each day. I spend an hour or two and make progress with stuff. Less really is more. Tried out new grass. Works.

Some issues either with Digitone stopping playing certain channels or Octatrack suddenly stopping passing some tracks through. Only been an issue with Digitone so suspect its voice allocation wonky. There's that other envelope issue too. Still fab anyway and I'm forcing myself to stick with the same gear, at least for now. I do miss the P3. Swapping to the Elektron sequencer from a P3 reminds me of swapping to Logic from Cubase, realising how much harder it was because there was no clever tool and toys. 
Thursday now. Continuing to edit proof, added a few sections where necessary, looking good.
Back in Studio of Light. Nice hippy drape came. Worked on Bank C, everything sounding peachy. Think the voice reserve parm might have been my prob after all, seem to have got things working nicely today. Introducing a few 'crash at start' type effects in OT patterns. Keeping the same Part copied to each bank as a starting point is great for consistency. As usual, reducing the options the OT offers is better than actually using them. For an old man anyway :)

The ANT tracks continue to roll in, almost done I think. Very impressed by the more relaxed and spacious, confident mixes I'm hearing. These guys are fecking gods and I'm a dwarf. Yeah, had a pleasant afternoon of vague beery smokedom. Some guy spent £75 buying my entire catalogue, so I'll be ordering lots of stuff off bandcamp. Friday coming up, Matt might be here. Either way, an afternoon of chilled music-making. 


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