Monday, 3 June 2013

A week of freedom!

Yes, posted Pat and Dawn at Liverpool airport this morning and had a blissful day in the sun myself. I had plans for quite a bit of work this week but if the sun continues, those plans might slip.

The most sophisticated choice I made today was to have rice with the curry I made. Sadly it was a bit bland, I never went out to get stuff so improvised a bit. Tasty though, I had lots of garlic and cumin.

Had a great idea for a character for the novel, have been toying with it but I'm wary of having too many. We'll see if it flows when I start to write later, after some more beers and some shortbread. May not get into studio or start review or owt much.

Should really play with new OT effects some more. Didn't even bother with spatializer, for example. I did kinda realise I could almost cope without a mixer and delay if I used the OT more for external processing of the Perfourmer and Proteus. Of course if I ever decide exactly how I'm going to use that thing the universe will probably wink out of existence to be replaced by something equally improbable. No prizes for guessing what I've been reading today.

Bless this little frog spotted in our pond today

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