Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Rookie Errors and a new novel

Yeah, rookie errors in the studio, I admit it!
Somehow, in plumbing up the skinny leads of two separate wall warts, I managed to confuse the P3 power supply with that of the slimline modular case (uZeus thing). As a result the P3 worked perfectly but the modular case worked oddly. Some modules seemed fine. Some didn't work at all (the Rossum stuff I was scared I'd broken). Some worked partially and irregularly - e.g. the Tonestar.
It was removing modules one by one that set me to wondering and eventually sussing. Idiot!

Anyway, Tuesday, spent time with modular, wrote the bulk of the review I had outstanding, played piano a bit, read a few novel chapters in its printed form. Noticed lots of things I should edit but don't really want to get into that now. I have started marking errors for some future time though. Trouble is there are too many, plus too many clumsy sentences, basic things I should have seen, ugly uses of grammar and wordage. Why is it so much easier to spot crapness on the printed page than a screen??? I guess proper writers have editors and folks who are used to this kind of thing.

Later I began work on the one that's been kicking around in my head for a while. I still don't know the ending but that's not too important at this stage. I did chapter one and have started the second. I'm trying to play each scene through in my head fully first, then writing it down as if just witnessed (and probably from multiple viewpoints since my hero is a delusional chump).

Wednesday morning, regretting the late night gin and weed session but glad novel finally rolling. Completed module review and sent in. Need to find something to follow it. Pat's been away 4 days now and I'm ready for her to come home. Best spend the next couple of days wasted.

Election tomorrow so I expect to be depressed again at the depths of human stupidity and capacity for self-harm. Murdoch will get what he wants: an even darker, nastier country. I'd love to be wrong but can't see it.

It's Wednesday night, I'm slightly stoned, slightly drunk and reflecting that today I have read some chapters of the first novel in paperback, made several chapters of edits to Bogus Realities (6x9) and written most of a chapter of the new one. At last my brain feels like it's waking up.  Obviously I must beware not to mix any of the characters up but that seems unlikely. I may finally have a main character that is both likeable and sympathetic. The supporting cast are good too and I have a proper baddie and a pseudo-baddie, an unattainable love interest and lots of stoner dialogue. It's also more down to earth than any of the previous works, which allows me to play with some of the borders. Yep, productive evening/night. Trying to decide whether to drink more gin and do another chapter or turn in.

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