Rained very heavily overnight and continues this morning. Looks like the action taken plugging that leak may have helped as the end of our avenue (touch wood) isn't showing signs of flooding. I really must find out about the responsibilities of Utd Utils when it comes to providing adequate drainage. I bet there will be some rule or other than frees them of all responsibility somehow. Have to keep those shareholders happy.
Bob the rabbit booked into the vet for this evening. Hopefully only a small interruption to work schedule as tonight is my long night where I typically get my greatest throughput (Pat works until midnight).
Reviews progressing well, both shaping up and fleshing out with detail. Korg guy seems to be getting fed up with me keep asking stuff but since he's steered me wrong in the past in terms of accuracy I don't want to miss owt. Starting to wonder if I'll ever see my MS20 mini, or indeed whether the man in France really has sent my theremin back as it's been weeks since he said it was en route. Must be something about me, too bloody easy-going.
The "Prodigy" tracks progressing OK I think, I have a few of them now in various stages of construction and this morning will be perfect to nail a few final mixes I think. Still weird having Mondays free, feels like I can actually hit the week running. Let's hope we don't peter out like last week though (I blame Tim of course and his wonderful smokes :)).
I deliberately didn't drink any beer last night even though the studio was warm. My gut has lost its "fasting taughtness" and has resumed its "wibbly wobbly" shape and I'm pretty sure beer has played a major role.
I should really release The Last Day before I forget it and lose interest altogether. I know it seems pointless but so is sitting on it and letting it fade away. Can I even be arsed getting the cover done properly and it mastered? Does anyone care or even notice? Oops, miserable weather getting to me already, time to brave the elements and take Jasper for a quick poo. Then work!
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