Sunday, 11 August 2013


The studio works as expected, no obvious cabling errors yet. Some spare capacity on various desks but no space for many more synths. Still, got modular going, connected to Cirklon BOB and instantly got something groovy happening. Have used MIDI patch bay now exclusively for clock since there's so much to pass around. Had a noodle and just kept messing until I felt done.

Still to do: Synthi (always takes ages cos I start making noises on it then a day goes by), chase up Space Delay sync and make sure I connected it, sort an input for Repeater and decide where Moogerfoogers should go for now if anywhere and if I want to use DE etc. Nothing crucial to do. Consider getting more inputs on Mac though, could now in theory do one per sub mixer, which would be 8 channels.

Now time for Beethoven Piano Concerto no 4 and more beer. Tony came round earlier and we chewed the fat about Phil. Posted loads of JIC tracks to FB last night just so people can listen to some of Phil's cool stuff. Doesn't feel in any way an adequate way to celebrate the man.

Slept last night. Pat too.

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